Still in front of laptop n with tear drop,Teardrops = 1% Water + 99% i'm Waiting for a page to load and as soon as it loads I push the refresh button for my life..I wish Mr. Google could tell me everything I want to know huaaa my wish. I don’t need someone perfect. All I need is someone doing nothing and yet keeps me falling,MY HEART = MIRROR. Once you break it, you can fix the pieces, but you can never hide the cracks.
I wish that love is like death, Permanent. Comes only once in a lifetime, and goes on peacefully without pain.if you love someone then you love all of them. Not just the good things. Support them and be there for them. Flaws and All how about if i cant love someone anymore..hahaha When your day has been like a hurricane, all you can do is look forward to the rainbow that follows.
God's plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending
People make mistakes, its a part of human nature. We must forgive and move forward.
Now i really try to let u go..its my faith i guest..? Sometimes following ur heart isn't always the smartest or the best thing to do, but all u have to do is pray that u made the right decision. and my decision is leave my past life let it go my felling n love..please y allah i wanna be a good person for everybody,i wanna open my heart again..i wish i could i think ,i had try harder than before but i dont wanna push my heart so hard,now these i really need a break,need a peace heart or it will crank n never fixed anymore..
this is a good word i think for me now these : The one who said; "If you love someone, let them go" must have never loved anyone..hahaha bnran bs bgtu ya..??!!
Benci bgt klo masalh hati selalu bgni, these heart felling matter its always make my life turn 360 degree damn..Sometimes, all u can do is not think, not wonder, not obsess, not imagine. Just breathe. Everything works out in the end..amien.
god doesn't give you the people you want in your life, you're given the ones you NEED, so you can become the person you want to be..i'm waiting y allah..hope i will get what i had deserve, i know u r greater than my problem please help me again this time..u always be there for me ya allah.i cant stop praise u..There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love i think i already done my part..i will set my heart free n IKLAS for all thing had done to me..Sometimes u wonder, "why me?", even though u don't know why, God does, & u must believe everything happens for a reason.
There's no such thing as love at first sight at first sight-only lust; REAL love takes time & lust fades away. Real love stays in the heart..yeach right bearti g ga maju" donk klo bgni trus..ckckck sdh lah..ak kan sdh mw iklas biar allah ksh g present wat hdp g..amin.Be a giver-not a taker, listen more-talk less, compliment more-criticize less, forgive more-judge less.
Iklas here i come..^^

God's plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending
People make mistakes, its a part of human nature. We must forgive and move forward.
Now i really try to let u go..its my faith i guest..? Sometimes following ur heart isn't always the smartest or the best thing to do, but all u have to do is pray that u made the right decision. and my decision is leave my past life let it go my felling n love..please y allah i wanna be a good person for everybody,i wanna open my heart again..i wish i could i think ,i had try harder than before but i dont wanna push my heart so hard,now these i really need a break,need a peace heart or it will crank n never fixed anymore..
this is a good word i think for me now these : The one who said; "If you love someone, let them go" must have never loved anyone..hahaha bnran bs bgtu ya..??!!
Benci bgt klo masalh hati selalu bgni, these heart felling matter its always make my life turn 360 degree damn..Sometimes, all u can do is not think, not wonder, not obsess, not imagine. Just breathe. Everything works out in the end..amien.
god doesn't give you the people you want in your life, you're given the ones you NEED, so you can become the person you want to be..i'm waiting y allah..hope i will get what i had deserve, i know u r greater than my problem please help me again this time..u always be there for me ya allah.i cant stop praise u..There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love i think i already done my part..i will set my heart free n IKLAS for all thing had done to me..Sometimes u wonder, "why me?", even though u don't know why, God does, & u must believe everything happens for a reason.
There's no such thing as love at first sight at first sight-only lust; REAL love takes time & lust fades away. Real love stays in the heart..yeach right bearti g ga maju" donk klo bgni trus..ckckck sdh lah..ak kan sdh mw iklas biar allah ksh g present wat hdp g..amin.Be a giver-not a taker, listen more-talk less, compliment more-criticize less, forgive more-judge less.
Iklas here i come..^^
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