Sunday 27 March 2011

pieces of me


surabaya n kuala lumpur last day, surabaya crew was so fine i  love the crew even the Capt n the Fo nice,,hotel was so nice..i went out at there,just wanna look for "alfa mart" haha kangen alfa mart beli cemilan cepuluh cebelas ..^^  kesampean mkn rawon walau bukan rawon setan rawon biasa hehe.

Kuala lumpur im joingn crew with my batch mate senangnya tp ga suka sama leadingnya kata crew yg sebelumnya "chihuahua" haha karna poni nya sepertinya yg super duper kocak sangat..haha dia terlalu underestimate g, cz my batch mate is an ex- crew, tp tmn g numpahin jus appel tuh ke penumpang, g yg ga santai" aja..speed n my canvas was great akhirnya dia mengakuinya, dia yg ex crew malah agak lama dr dia cm mengakui canvas n service g aja yg bgs..speed g yg kurang..dr mana jls" g sama dia sama barengan selesai servicenya tmn g yg ex crew dan di bantu sama ca 8 tetep lama selesainya g service sendiri donk..haha (ga da yg muji..) bodo lah yg penting dia ga underestimate g lg..weekk kecelee emangnya klo ga ex- crew ga bs kerja yaakk..wekk mang enak hahaha.

dr kmrn udh tdr trus kerjanya...cape dr surabaya smp sini supirnya bukan pak sopian lamaaaaa bgt  jmptnya,blee'e bgt pokoknya pke acara bolak balik airport segala ga tw apa g capeeee ga tdr kmrn tww..dodol si sopian sebel g.smp apartemen ganti baju aja sama cuci muka trus udh pergi lg sama ank" ke bandar wat ngirim duit ke mamake tercinta..sdh dr sana kita khirnya beli DVD player (yeay..) setelah 5 bln tinggal di brunei bru bs beli hahaha. abies dr sana ke gadong mall beli balnja bulanan..ank" pd sibuk cari kaset dvd..g ketdran di dpn toko..(parah ngantuk nya) untung g ga jatoh di dpen toko tepar hehehehe.dah gtu bawa belanjaan semuanya bnyk bgt naek angkott..hikss.. ta apa lah. smp rmh jam 6 an..ada si mpok anggi yg ultah ngajak mkn" sanggup g..maap saya tdrr dgn sukses sekali smp jam 1/ 8 pagi bru bgn..tu pun tdr lg jam 11 bru bgn lg..hahah kebooo bodo capee.

akhirny kmrn mkn ayam katok kangen ayam katok..hihihi ^^ anyway bsk sayah ke KL lg neh,abies tu ke kuching abies tu surabaya lg..kali ini ke surabaya hrs sukses ke luar nya hehehe. mw ke mana ya sama my batch mate org phinoy hehe dia kan agak" maap (norak) hahaha ta apa lah dr pd sendiri keluar ngapain coba..hehe.

mw puasa" di complian msh ndut..sebel, emang sejak di brunei g gain weight haha dlu di indo mkn hati segh makanya kurus,pgn kurus lg..tenang" puasa, jogging, diet pasi bs ini udh turun 3 kg..hrs turun 2 hr terakhir napsu mkn lg naek neh..entah mengapa pgnnya nyemil coklat trus..parcok"..situ enk yg udh turun brtnya saya jg pasti bs turun...turun..turun ( turun kemana seh mba dho..??!!) oia masa kmrn ak mimpi pke kerudungan ..allhamdullilah tanda" hrs pke y?? pke kerudungan kayak anna ketika cinta bertasbih..cerita ke mama dia seneng bgt apa lg si papa bntr y pa,ma..insyaallah dhora nt pke ^^ .

Hr ini ak sendirian di apartemen...haha seneng bgt enk sendirian di apartemen ga da siapa" aris dr pagi udh ke SING lnjut ke KL sama kiki jg bru berangkat td ke KL ketemu sama aris nt deh. ak off 2 hr..hahaha. Tp bsk sutik lg.. magnetics jab bareng ank" laen.heran sejk disni g di suntik mlu kerjanya udh 4 x suntik neh..ckckck.
dah tw g paling tkt sama suntikan untung ga nangis kmrn..haha norak udh gede msh nangis. kmrn waktu tipes di indo di infus ga nangis cm merem aja ga kuat liat jarum nya even waktu ambil darah pun bgtu payah neh parno nya ga ilang" sama aja klo ke dokter gigi jg gtu dhora paling tkt ke dokter gigi n suntik hehe allhamdullilah gigi ga pernah bermasalah sama sekali even di tambal pun ga pernah ^^ gigi ku pengertian klo ak tkt sama dokter gigi hehe.

klo skrg lg di rmh di indo udh di teriakin si mama suruh keluar kamar..bntuin masak hahah kangen ga da yg teriak" in lg suruh ke dapur mama paling tw g mls ke dapur..adek g si citra yg seneng ke sejak di sini mw ga mw hrs msak sayah..kmrn abies chating sama si citra di bali..udh lama ga pernah cerita" sama dia..kita emang jarang sharing tp kmrn liat dia udh dewasa cara pemikirannya udh beda sama dlu" apa lg sama g kayaknya udh mulai jagoan dia dr pd kk nya. achh pgn ngumpul" lg sama kel cerita" ttg negri rantau masing" citra di bali dhora di brunei..sama" ngejar cita",ank mama papa udh pd ngerantau semua smoga berkah semua y ma pa..we love u very much..muuaach (huaa sedihh kangen mama papa) inget mrk yg support dhora terus" an waktu kmrn dhora down,mrk selalu ada di saat dhora butuh support even a shoulder to cry, dhora tw mrk dgr tiap mlm dhora nangis trus, apa lg pas dhora kena tipes mrk paling panik karna dhora emang jarang sakt..panas dhora kmrn 39.8 untung ga pingsan di kantor..pdhal udh keleyengan,,langsung ke qadr hospital cek darah gejala tipes..wew,akhirnya nginep 4 hr kasian mama papa huaa sedih" inget tiap hr papa selalu anter jmpt dhora ke kntr,dia tw ankny gadisnya suka benggong di angkot apa lg pas lg ada masalah kmrn udh gede msh di anter jmpt papa (maluu..) tp itulah org tua ga mw ankny knp" hauaa sedihh bnran. kangen pgn liat mrk bahagia ..y allah berilah org tua ku kebahagian dunia n akhirat amien. (sdh' sedihnya) yg lalu biar aja lalu jd pelajaran ambil hikmahnya ambil yg baik" nya jlk" ny di buang biar bs natap masa depan lbh cerah lg..amien.

i love my white acer even km agak lemot skrg..hehe nt yo saya service km dear white and i love my ipod because special pke telor bebek and is "pink" hihihi..makasih y (.....) lg seneng sama mocca n ten to five neh..haha entah lah knp tiba" terlintas lagu mrk ,sama mba britney sedap" lagu barunya ^^.

Sdh yukk mndi..hehe HSBC mw dtg..akhirnya sya ada KK, perdana smoga bs makenya yaa..beli iphone 4 yuukk ahhaha sok kaya sayah ^^

you ♥

You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don’t know how many times

You... I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
and now you let me down

You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you

You frustated me with this love
I’ve been trying to understand 
You know i’m trying i’m trying

You.. I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down
You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you

ten to five ♥ (alora)

i love u anyway

Its 10 pm and your late again
And I can understand what kept you so long
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Don’t you realize how ugly that thing is?
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
Now here it comes
You complain again
Complain about everything
It’s driving me mad
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Don’t you realize how ugly that thing is?
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
You always have me
You always have me
You always have me
You always have me
Yes.. You’ll always have me

Mocca ♥

Wednesday 23 March 2011

sweetest vampire ..♥

Huaaa..bnran sayah berubah jd " ."sweetest vampire"  hahaha

Last flight was so fine flight lah,Singapore its just an light flight anyway to many western on the flight banyak yg cakep..but sayah ga hobby bule hehe.

any way back from SIN there is a stretcher pax kasian skt..huhu si bpk n kel abies berobt di bapk kena liver cancer..kacian bgt,dia kesakitan bgt kayaknya,mana alat" nya bnyk bgt ada suster n dokteer yg ikt jg pas take off dia cari" istrinya hampir aja ga jd take off huhu sabar y pak smoga cpt smbuh ^^.

Okay kmrn pas balik ada penumpang yg tny nama g,,wew,,dia bil g baik bgt dlm service udh mlm msh cheerful yg laennya manyuunn semua set crewny haha, dia bil mw kirim email mw kash complimentary ats nama g ,,sedapp  smoga emailnya smp y ^^ untung ga mnt no tlp haha binggung g jwb nya.

kmrn buka puasa on board dan bru bs minum setelah serving meal jam 8 sajah...ta apa lah org sabar di sayang allah dpt meal bisnis class menu nya : beef steak  salmon with mushroom sauce wenak rekk sama taufu g di dlmnya ada jamur,ayam yg di cincang n sayur" an ga tw dah apa namanya..sedappp..^^ .

Sebenernya bs smp begawan jam 11 an tp karna ada si bpk yg skt itu jd kita agak delay tak apa lah..smp apatement jam 12 teng udh kayak cinderlela mana ujan di payungin si bpk jumari...oohh dia baik sekali dia tny in gmn td flight nya crew nya gmn..udh kayak papa bgt..ak kangenn papa jd nya,td mlm tiba" mimpi si papa jg..i in deed miss my dad.smp apartemen beres" bru naek tmpt tdr jam 1 an ... ketiduran dgn laptop menyala bgn" laptop udh mateee hahaha.

huaa bsk jd bonek ke surabaya..haha mw mkn tahu campur,rawon setan..any way i miss tahu campuurrrr huhuhu udh hmpir 2 thn ga mkn tahu campur eh 3 thn apa y..lupa hehehe.terkahir segh dlu sama mantan..hehehe hobby bgt kita mkn tahu campur itu. anyway si capt td mlm itu mirip bgt sama si " om aman " astagaa..untung ga mirip anaknya, binggung nt sayah..hahaha. kebapak an sekali tp tetep ngocol hahha dia nyamperin ke EY class dan dia nugguin itu penumpang terkhir keluar baru dia pulang bareng kita..ohh soo sweet bgt seh pak haha dia klo ketemu g senyum" (kayaknya ngetawain nama g haha) ta apa lah..he is nice any way.heran FO" di royal brunei tuh yahh sombong" dsr...udh kecil" sombong pula..ckckck g ketekin ga bs napas die hahaha.

My comment about last night crew " biasa" aja ga bitch ga bs di bil enak jg..hehe ta apa lah i doing my work right  lah..terserah mrk sajah. Tp g heran bgt mereka tuhh ya kepooo bgt gosipp bgt heran deh..ckckck sebel bgt liat gosip" gtu. Kyak dirinya udh bnr aja ngomongin org pling bisa bgt huh. ( saboo saja lah dhora...)

ok sayah mw jd sweetest vampire dlu ya..haha ^^

Monday 21 March 2011

Bebot i that bebot..?? girlss tersanjung 39 neh ..

huaa kmrn i had done my 4 sector from KL to BKI full flight all the way..pengen pengsan mana leadingnya berisik bgt pusing dah acch. berngkat jam 12 smp apartement jam 2 dah bsk jdwal sing sore to mid night..walla berubh kalong dah sayah..demi segengam berlian wat mamake di kampuang nan jauh di mato ^^. ( i lope u mamake)

kmrn rada ribet karna si leading comet semua kerjaan g..pusing sayah.ini jg karna sayah kurang tdr semalamnya huaaa jd kurang konsentrasinya ( ngeles aja..) ga bs tdr sayah, kmbuh lg penyakit lamanya. kayaknya musti beli tuh obt tdrsan bnran serius neh..ckckck.disaat badan cape tp mata ga mw merem sebelnya setengah mati. kmrn semua crew senior yg udh 9 - 14 thn kerja..(buseng ngapain aja tuh smp segtu lama ..ckckck)  dr begawan ke KL kmrn kebanyakan pax bapk" n ibu" pulang umrah,baliknya sedappp...bnyk pemandangan indah hihihih ^^ senang nya sayah untung jd CA8 jd selalu safety demo di first EY row..wink" ^^

Back from KL to begawan delay flight from BKI...landing jam 8:20 wating another flight at 10:35..mak,garing g nunggu di bandara kmrn,mana ujan dress bgt astaga, agak serem jg kmrn bad WX (gaya dah) and bad tubulance also smp lompat" di cabin kmrn..ckckck.

balik dr BKI untung penumpangnya sdikit,trus ada yg bening di last row..hahahaha tp boo kopernya LV ajah dlu..ckckck boyehlah ini taste of fashionnya haha. Ballik dr BKI udh minim bgt kosentrasinya kena tegor dr leading g..ckckck what ever lah mpok maap sayah ngantuk n cape bgt maap yak hihi.

untung di jmptnya On time sama Bpk Jumari..(driver kitoo..) biasa tiap abies flight selalu cerita" sama dia,dia baik bgt krna sesama org indo kali yak..haha. smp apartemen jam 2 beres" bru naek tmpt tdr jam 1/2 3 an bru bs merem jam 3 kayaknya..bgn jam 9 lupa ada janji sama ank" huaa bdn rasa mw nempel di ksr sajah. tp jd jg jln dgn rmbut basah bru pke bedak n the gank..bodo lah duduk manis di dpn transport with my fav sun glass +  ipod tercinta ..tdr..hahahaha. nunggu di kntr polisi dan tdr lg..haha parah" bodo lah ngantuk syah.

any way hr ini di traktir kiki,roommate sayah abies dpt kepretan dr putri sultan doi..sedap bgt ak jg mw tuh di kepret sama putri n yak..?? soon katanya mrk seringnya ke Sing (amien..amein ), bsk kan sayah ke sing flight mlm..haha smoga ketemu lah haha amin.di beliin Magnum clasic enak bgtt..yum..yum..mkn pecel ayam nikmat bgt haha. Dpt kbr dr sahabat jauh sdh menemukan tambatan hati yg baik..seneng bgt..allhamdullilah seneng bgt hr ini..lupa mw puasa sayah hr ini ..dudul emang, tp bsk sayah puasa lah ^^ insyaallah.

klo liat kmr g saat ini duh kayak kapal pecah..tmpt tdr blm smpet beresin..haha buku g di mana" (macam mahasiswa aja..) ga da cahaya sama sekali gara" di tutup semua jendelanya ga mw liat matahari ak kan vampire.,,haha pacrnya mas edward culen ( ngaku" ) hahaha. kayaknya sayah kecanduan counter pain..payah ini sayah betis kecil segh haha coba bdn jg kecil..haha my wish..ak mw potonggg rmbuut nguncir" pgn di potong kayak kmrn seger disni g di sangka 23 kok jd no worries kayaknya hahaha maap yk yg di sangka tua saya muda ternyata hahaha.

ga tw knp si mamake sekarang seneng bgt nyariin sayah,dia sms trus kasian dia kangen sayah..huhu miss u so mamake pgn deh pulang ke indo ngajak dia jln ngajak nonton, nyalon..bkin dia seneng..huaa makin kangen kasian di rmh sendirian diee cm sama di diva aja. any way td ngobrol" sama ank" kayaknya ada rencana bru neh saya berencana ingin Back packer ke eropa bareng tmn"...YIPPPYY after 6 month lah smoga bs haha amien. duh ngebayangin roma, venies ( bnr ga tuh tulisannya..gara" nonton the tourist ) bgt ngayal nya..soon lah apply visa dlu deh 60 euro ajah dlu,,abies tu ngeteng dr london (secra ke london cm byr 10 % tiket..sedap) dr sana naek kreta ke perancis..waaahh ngayal" untung ada tmn di sana jd enk deh..dream lah..hrs bs lah.amien.

yak sdh ngayal nya..mareh jogging dlu ..biyal kuyus sayah..^^

Saturday 19 March 2011

Just me..

 Kemarin terbang ke kuching..wew i love to fly,minimal sector only refreshment 1st round cff/tea i love it ^^.
should be no towel also but my leading ask me to made it..huff nambah kerjaan.

what i love the most when i was flying is " TAKE OFF" part..oww i love the most that time..i'm not like landing time it mean my playing time is over..hahaha. im a joing crew last time so no briefing SEP n CST hahaha love it. and i love to do an safety demo..i like to be watching by all over the pax..hehehe. (narcis)

tomorrow i operate 4 sector..oww common welcoming it lah only kuala lumpur n BKI ..not bad lah..thxs god not BKK or HKG..haha mabok nt sama pax nya..ckckck apa lg pudong lebih mabookk wew.

I want my nu roster...huhuuu cpt terbangkan sayah ke LONDON hahahaha amin.

telenovela ini hrs selesai lah..i dont wanna be a part of it anymore enough is enough..ya ga cuy..??

pgn terbang terus..pgn liat dunia baru,pgn ketemu org" baru..senang" bnyk yg mnt foto" oww y allah i love this job, even ada yg bitchy" hey dude we are the same, we earn money from bi nice lah.

i cant wait my surabaya flight soon, i wanna lay over, party if i can..i wanna be free  ^^  wanna fell the sun on the beach, i wanna fell the air on the mountain..sound so great..

i want to wear a "BIKINI" hahaha..hope so i still had a long life to make it come true..hahaha before jilbab yo ^^

now these my heart are lighter than yesterday...i wanna enjoy what i had achieve no more tear,,no more worries, all i had is fell free no more past..just FUTURE yes babe..future are best lah..past are last. ya btw i bring my book from indo, but still i dont have time to read,actually i love to read..huhu..maap y buku nt yah saya bca PR dah dr zaman di indo ga di baca" hehe. any way music is my life, its in my blood dude hehe but i love indie music..i heart maliq n de'essential, soulvibe,ran,abdul & coffee theory ,raisa, naif, equtez paling suka mas glen,mas tompi  dan mas shandy sandoro..they are awesome.
i like to see an live music, i love to see them performance on stage ^^.

and i also miss movie theater,my fav movie actually is  action,trailer,horor..comedy i less watch an drama movie..ohh my very best movie is an fiction movie"

Skrg cita" udh terwujud..allhamdullilah ya allah, skrg tugas utama nge bahagian org tua..utama bgt tuh..they are my priority now these,smoga umur msh panjng bisa bikin mrk bahagia ak pgn mrk naek haji...amin. mudahkan ya allah ^^ amin.

Pgn pny laptop baru (jd bs buang bau mantan) haha..pgn pny i touch jg ( biar ipodnya bs di kubur) dan pgn pny iphone (biar keren), jg ipad..(biar tmbh keren..asek ga..hahaha) amin". satu" yak bisa kebeli.

pgn pny co ga..?? emmm mikirrr..mikir..mikirr..100.000.000 x hahaha ga da jwaban untuk saat ini sepertinya bgtu, jlnin yg ada di dpn aja lah..yg tu biar sekalian bonus dr allah aja ^^ amin.

Duh paling bahagia, bangga bgt klo udh pke SERAGAM ..keyen..usaha kerja kerja selama ini ga sia" smoga bs terus membuat bangga yoo dear ^^

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Stupid In love..


Stupid in love
Stupid in love

Let me tell you something
Never have I ever
Been a size 10
In my whole life
I left the engine running
I just came to see
What you would do if I
Gave you a chance
To make things right
So I made it

Even though Katy
Told me this would be nothing
But a waste of time
And she was right
Dont understand it
Blood on your hands
And still you insist
On repeatedly trying
To tell me lies
And I just don’t know why

** This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont talk to me
Like Im stupid
I still love you
But I just cant do this
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid

My new nickname
Is you idiot
(Such an idiot)
Thats what my friends
Are calling me when
They see me yelling
Into my
They tell me let go
He is not the one
I thought I saw your potential
Guess thats what made me dumb

He don’t want it
Not like you want it
Scheming and cheating
Oh girl, why do you
Waste your time
You know he aint right
Telling me this
I don’t wanna listen
But you insist
On repeatedly trying
To tell me lies

And I just don’t know why
This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont talk to me
Like I’m stupid
I still love you
But I just cant do this

I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
Trying to make this work
But you act like a jerk
Silly of me to keep
Holding on

But the dunce cap is off
You don’t know what you lost
And you wont realize
Till I’m gone, gone, gone
That I was the one
Which one of us
Is really done

**I’m not stupid in love
This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont talk to me
Like I’m stupid
I still love you
But I just cant do this
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
In love in love
Stupid in love
Let me tell you something
Never have I ever
Been a size 10
In my whole life
I left the engine running
I just came to see
What you would do if I
Gave you a chance
To make things right
So I made it
Even though Katy
Told me this would be nothing
But a waste of time
And she was right
Dont understand it
Blood on your hands
And still you insist
On repeatedly trying
To tell me lies
And I just don’t know why
This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont ta
My new nickname
Is you idiot
(Such an idiot)
Thats what my friends
Are calling me when
They see me yelling
Into my
They tell me let go
He is not the one
I thought I saw your potential
Guess thats what made me dumb
He don’t want it
Not like you want it
Scheming and cheating
Oh girl, why do you
Waste your time
You know he aint right
Telling me this
I don’t wanna listen
But you insist
On repeatedly trying
To tell me lies
And I just don’t know why
This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont talk to me
Like I’m stupid
I still love you
But I just cant do this
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
Trying to make this work
But you act like a jerk
Silly of me to keep
Holding on
But the dunce cap is off
You don’t know what you lost
And you wont realize
Till I’m gone, gone, gone
That I was the one
Which one of us
Is really done
I’m not stupid in love
This is stupid
I’m not stupid
Dont talk to me
Like I’m stupid
I still love you
But I just cant do this
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
I may be dumb but
I’m not stupid
In love


Still in front of laptop n with tear drop,Teardrops = 1% Water + 99% i'm Waiting for a page to load and as soon as it loads I push the refresh button for my life..I wish Mr. Google could tell me everything I want to know huaaa my wish. I don’t need someone perfect. All I need is someone doing nothing and yet keeps me falling,MY HEART = MIRROR. Once you break it, you can fix the pieces, but you can never hide the cracks.

I wish that love is like death, Permanent. Comes only once in a lifetime, and goes on peacefully without pain.if you love someone then you love all of them. Not just the good things. Support them and be there for them. Flaws and All  how about if i cant love someone anymore..hahaha When your day has been like a hurricane, all you can do is look forward to the rainbow that follows.

God's plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending

People make mistakes, its a part of human nature. We must forgive and move forward. 

Now i really try to let u go..its my faith i guest..? Sometimes following ur heart isn't always the smartest or the best thing to do, but all u have to do is pray that u made the right decision. and my decision is leave my past life let it go my felling n love..please y allah i wanna be a good person for everybody,i wanna open my heart again..i wish i could i think ,i had try harder than before but i dont wanna push my heart so hard,now these i really need a break,need a peace heart or it will crank n never fixed anymore..

this is a good word i think for me now these : The one who said; "If you love someone, let them go" must have never loved anyone..hahaha bnran bs bgtu ya..??!! 

Benci bgt klo masalh hati selalu bgni, these heart felling matter its always make my life turn 360 degree damn..Sometimes, all u can do is not think, not wonder, not obsess, not imagine. Just breathe. Everything works out in the end..amien.

god doesn't give you the people you want in your life, you're given the ones you NEED, so you can become the person you want to be..i'm waiting y allah..hope i will get what i had deserve, i know u r greater than my problem please help me again this time..u always be there for me ya allah.i cant stop praise u..There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love i think i already done my part..i will set my heart free n IKLAS for all thing had done to me..Sometimes u wonder, "why me?", even though u don't know why, God does, & u must believe everything happens for a reason.

There's no such thing as love at first sight at first sight-only lust; REAL love takes time & lust fades away. Real love stays in the heart..yeach right bearti g ga maju" donk klo bgni trus..ckckck sdh lah..ak kan sdh mw iklas biar allah ksh g present wat hdp g..amin.Be a giver-not a taker, listen more-talk less, compliment more-criticize less, forgive more-judge less.

 Iklas here i come..^^

Unthinkable ♥

All my sadness ..more became a pain..hurt..same like yesterday,i'm just keep on rewind the hardest part again.Give yourself time to feel whatever you need to feel. Know that in time, your life will change and you will feel better again.Do what you have to do to get past the pain and hurt. Cry if you have to but don't hide from the pain.t's fine if you want to cry. It doesn't matter if you are a man or woman crying will help you release the heartache.

after i know all doesn't make me more strong..but more broke..i'm broke again. can my heart just give up this time..i will never be cure again..damn it. i though i can be " iklas" but that word so hard to make it real, i had cry..cry..n crying again..smp kpn hrs nangis terus bgni..??? it will never end until i dead maybe.

I'm sure allah swt had plan me a great thing after this..i just dont wanna fell hurt n pain again. should i blame the situation,destiny..or what ?? I just need my shoulder to cry on.. i really need to cry loud..i can stand anymore this pain..i can't think, i can't work..just being dump in front of laptop n cry..stupid girls..smp kpn mw gni segh dhora..common wake up.

tomorrow  i had a flight but my eyes like a frog eyes..shit. The honest felling ever n stupid i ever is such as trouble for me know these. I cant turn back time..or make rewind time n past..what happen just such a jerk n shit for me ..i still had family, future that i had fight for it they need me..they love me more.

Whatever your preference, exercise often to help cure the pain of a broken heart. I need my allah swt right now..ya allah if this the best way for me n my life please make me "iklas" for all pain,,all the hurt..all the truth that i had heard. Please make me more strong,more mature..more brave to face all the faith. Do i had to keep that faith..??  

Ya allah tq for all the joy,all the pain..all the hurt it make me more strong.please don't make me a weak, please make me strong  and more strong for my sisters n brother..ank sulung hrs tegar..kuat wat kel nya. Its easier to fake a smile than explaining why you're sad. 

Stop talking about what happened, it makes moving on even harder.The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.Sometimes you know in your heart you love someone, but you've to go away before your head can figure it out.Do not fear! Remember: "If God sends us on hard paths, He provides us with strong shoes.even Sometimes laughing isn’t something you do for fun. Sometimes it’s a relief when you have nowhere to run.

God knows what's best for you. He won't give you problems without a way out. Stay positive & keep your faith strong.God hears every unspoken words, sees every unseen wound, mend every unbearable pain. Have faith and be strong.

When life is hard, thank God, since it makes you grow. When it seems to be no way, find God, for He knows the way.

I need a huge please...just me a huge ya allah in my dream perhaps, we can chit chat n i can borrow your shoulder to cry on..

Wednesday 9 March 2011

its ok , if u not okay..

The saddest thing in the world, is loving some one who used to love you..don't pretend that u strong enough to face it okay to cry as much as u want this will make u fell better in long run..

It hurt again..gosh please take my heart y allah i don't wanna fell this felling again..berawal dan bermula di sana" lg..i never cant move on i thing,to much loving some on is not good,but i cant stop my feeling. last time i fell this pain its about 6 mounts ago..and it fell again damn it i hate this heart. whos to blame again n me again. 

Stupid heart or stupid my mind..?? im tired of can i fix all, can i..or i just give up with the destiny,now u win..i cant fight back u again,,im to tired to fight back again, my felling has enough space to fight it. so please stop to fell again, don't make me suaver again. i tired to be strong..these time i cant stand anymore..can i say i had enough of this please stop make me fell again..please ya allah. or just make me forget anythings..everything..that had happen..or i had fell.

Friday 4 March 2011


First time i saw a blue sky on flight deck BI 636 HKG-BWN..with Capt. Miles n Fo that i was forget his name..(hahaha) it was amazing view up there..i cant believe it happen on my life. it been 4 mounts with nu life,nu job..fell it just like a dream but it happen,thx to my allah swt he gave me all the blesses that i could be here,,catch my dream, make my dream not just a dream but a real fact.

So far was amazing with this job,meeting a nu prend, a lot of nu things comes up with this nu job..
after 3 mounts training with all the manual and drill practical,wet practical,first aid practical,cabin service, pass all thing that it really worthed ^^  big smile for my future.

SKY was Beautiful, Wonderful no Limit..and AMAZING.