Hi there..its been a while i'm not wrote on my blog..haha actual i just wait for my other collage too send me a pict from Townsville trips last 1st May' 11 but unfortunately we don't meet again on 1 set crew so i just had a little pict on townsville trips,infact we do a lot of pict on every where..hehehe not even with the crew,the Fo n Capt..we are so awesome crew..on my flight that day. ok little story about my flight is an "charter Flight" witch is been charter from the
Army Ausie townsvilles base,so my pax are the soldier damn awesome..they had a great body..( ngiler..liad badan" yg sexy..jadi gtu..) and guest what they were so young..their age just around 18 - 21Yo ..damn..hahah so young..but they bring bottles of alcohol to air craft luckly they didnt drunk on board.
Anyway this is my Pax on Penang - Townsville flight :
Q- up for cargo |
They wait for their cargo bag.. |
Luckly they are so polite hahaha..even though they are so young..if compare with me..hahaha (so not old ..mature enough). Can u Imagen when we about to land at Townsville they are so exited when our capt who is an Twnsville citizen also touch down at the run away..the are all claps they hand..they are so happy to going back to their home town.. Ok another un ussually thing happen that we landed not in the airport,but we landed on their base hangar.
Me...Me after Landing |
Royal Army Air force Townsville
Anyway after landing we all crew going to the hotel it not hotel its more like an apartment :
Room 311 |
The best thing of this room is i had a zakusi bath hahaha..realy enjoying my room so much even we only had 10 hour at Townsvilles and going back also to Penang n Begawan.
My Bath Room
The time i got in to this room Straight away i got shower on it..haha so wonderfull after i got tired on my flight i got "zakusi" to chill my tired. |
The Living Room
My Balcony
I love my balcony it make me fell relax watch the sunrise in the morning at Townsvilles
After take shower and a chill "ZAKUSI" i go out to take a break fast and just wanna see how Townsvilles look like..
Townsvilles is a quite town i guest, when i get there it a " labors" day..hhhh so its public holiday, i just take a walk alone..n get some breakfast..i get "Banana Pancake" for its an explore by my nice to travel alone..
This s it my "Banana Pancake" Yaamms
Another side of Townsvilles :
Ok that is from "TOWNSVILLES" next is Newzeland...
Wassalamualaikum wb